Selasa, 27 Juli 2010

Today I did not get to eat my lunch at school because I finally resting just a little ga ate lunch but I came home from school in the same quick buy chiken cheese burger.
Today is the first time I schools are allowed bring their own bike by my parents
Hooray ... .... I've climbed mikroled ga again I'm so glad because I ga mikrolad search hard so now I'm relaxed bring their own vehicle


Tuesday 0.27 to 07, 2010

I eat lunch this afternoon, I eat at a quick chiken because I just ate a little and this afternoon I was on borrowed her dictionary the same girl approached him and I forgot to restore my dictionary. At the moment I can not maths math, I lighten it, I say little when completed to explain at first told to do I can not. I ask a favor to my friend but my friend did not want to help, torrential rain on the way home when I arrived home to my house to get dressed, maghrib prayers, the Koran, and bathing. It is I do not have content

Jumat, 23 Juli 2010


Friday from 0.23 to 07, 2010
today precisely in the same night my mother fight the problem only mobile phone, which I want to fix me with a nagging but my mom yelling and then I added against the waffle.
At that time I was told to keep the store because my mother pray, I added a glass tekita caught stealing at my mother and I want to make a diary my mother taught me.
I'm sorry, and I was wrong.


from gresik